Bubbling Brews

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For the faction quests, see B [10-80] Brewfest in Valdrakken.
NeutralBubbling Brews
Start Bragdur Battlebrew[29.74, 56.19]
End Bragdur Battlebrew[29.74, 56.19]
Level 10-80
Type Daily
Category Brewfest
Rewards 10x  [Brewfest Prize Token], 5 [Flightstones]
The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.


Collect brew bubbles in Valdrakken.

  • Bubbles Collected (0/100%)


Drat! I might've made a mistake asking the dracthyr to help with these deliveries. They've been rolling barrels of brews through the city and crashing 'em all over the place! Well, we shouldn't let the brew go to waste if we can help it!

Take a barrel an' take to the skies! Try to collect and save as much of the brew as you can by collecting the bubbles.


You will receive:

  • 20s
  • 1,400 XP
Inv misc coin 01.png 10x [Brewfest Prize Token] Flightstone-dragonflight.png 5x [Flightstones]


Have ye filled up the barrel?


Thank ye kindly for the help. Now if I can just convince the dracthyr to simply fly the barrels here instead of rolling 'em...


Mount up and ride through the small (+5%) and big (+10%) bubbles above the market.

Patch changes

External links