Break a Leg

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Night FaeBreak a Leg

The stage set
Start Featherlight [40.7, 42.8]
End Featherlight [40.7, 42.8]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] Show, Don't Tell
Next N [60] The Fourth Wall, er, War


Reenact the Third Invasion of the Legion on Azeroth.


The show is about to begin! You... that's what you're going to wear? Well, I suppose it works.

For your grand introduction, we will re-enact recent victories and events that took place on Azzinoth. Er, Azeroth. That's where you're from, right?

The Starlight Company has graciously volunteered to assist us in this production. We've recruited some special guests as well!

Don't worry about the script. This is your story, after all!

Just try not to get too much blood on stage. It's hard to clean.


You will receive:

  • 51g 48s
  • 9,450 XP


Well, that wasn't... terrible.


Not bad! Not great, but not bad. Quickly now, we'll need to help set the stage for the next act!


On accept, the player gains the title "<Name>, As Themselves":

Featherlight says: Places, everyone!

Head back onstage:

Lady Moonberry says: For the third time, the Burning Legion descended upon Azeroth.
Ysera looks concerned.
Droman Aliothe yells: DEATH TO THE LEGION!!!
Audience Member yells: BOO! BOOOOO!
Lady Moonberry yells: But hope yet remained! Behold! <name>!
Audience Member yells: Woohoo! Yay!!
Choofa yells: Hey I know them! Hi, <name>!!!

On stage are Lady Moonberry, as the narrator, Windy, as Illidan <The Betrayer>, Niya, as Xavius <Some Kind of Evil Sylvar>, Senthii, as Gul'dan <From an Alternate Timeline>, Glimmerdust, as Kil'jaeden <of The Burning Legion>, and Mi'kai, as Argus, the Unmaker <A Corrupted World Soul>.

Stand in the spotlight and use the bonus ability Begin Act 1, Xavius:

Niya, As Xavius yells: I am Xavius...
Niya, As Xavius says: Line?
Lady Moonberry says: Lord of Nightmares!
Niya, As Xavius says: Xavius! Lord of Nightmares! Die!

Niya attacks. She has two abilities: Lurking Eruption, which summons a Lurking Terror; and Nightmare Blades, which deals damage in a line and causes knockback.

Lady Moonberry says: <Name> confronted Xavius deep within the Emerald Dream!
Audience Member says: Who are the Legion?
Audience Member says: Remember when that entire world died? That was the Legion.
Audience Member yells: Fight! Fight! Fight!

Finish Niya off:

Lady Moonberry says: And so, the Nightmare was brought to an end!
Ysera looks well pleased.
Ysera yells: I knew you would prevail, <name>.
Audience Member says: Woohoo!
Audience Member says: Yeah! Beat that weird looking Sylvar!
Niya runs to the back of the stage.

Return to the spotlight and use the bonus ability again: Begin Act 2, Gul'dan:

Lady Moonberry says: Once Xavius fell, <name> took up arms against the evil warlock, Gul'dan!
Audience Member yells: Boooo!
Lady Moonberry says: But it wasn't their Gul'dan. This one came from the past... and another world... in an alternate timeline!
Lady Moonberry says: I... think that's how it went...
Audience Member says: Wait... What?
Audience Member says: How does that work?

Attempt to finish Senthii off:

Lady Moonberry says: They fought valiantly, but someone else landed the killing blow!
Windy, As Illidan yells: HA! You were not... ready!
Audience Member says: Well, that was rude.
Senthii and Windy leave the stage.

More spotlight time - now Begin Act 3, Kil'jaeden:

Lady Moonberry says: Enraged by Gul'dan's failure, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver himself sought to destroy the Legion's foes!
Ysera gasps!
Glimmerdust, As Kil'jaeden yells: Death rains upon you!
Droman Aliothe says: KILL HIM, <NAME>!
Droman Aliothe says: DESTROY HIM!

Get Glimmerdust to 20% or so:

Glimmerdust, As Kil'jaeden yells: Fall, hero!
Glimmerdust knocks the player away.
Lady Moonberry says: No! The defenders of Azeroth won this fight!
Glimmerdust, As Kil'jaeden says: Oh! Right!
Glimmerdust dramatically falls to the ground. Then, she gets back up and heads toward the back of the stage.
Glimmerdust, As Kil'jaeden says: I never believed... that Sargeras could be stopped. Perhaps... you will prove me wrong.

To the light once more, to Begin Act 4, Argus:

Lady Moonberry says: Taking the fight to the Legion, Azeroth's champions battled the corrupted world-soul of Argus itself!
Ysera looks stunned.
Mi'kai, As Argus, the Unmaker yells: Death! Death and pain!

At 50%, Mi'kai "kills" the player:

Mi'kai, As Argus, the Unmaker yells: END IT ALL!
Lady Moonberry says: Hope is not lost! The spark of life still flickers within these mortals. Arise, champions! Fight to save your world!

Finish off Argus:

Mi'kai, As Argus, the Unmaker says: My torment... ends...
Lady Moonberry says: And so, the champions of Azeroth repelled the Burning Legion, ended their crusade, and saved all worlds!
Ysera cheers.
Droman Aliothe says: AND GOOD RIDDANCE!
Audience Member says: Woooo! Way to go!
Awool says: Wait... Worlds have souls?
Choofa says: Apparently? I haven't seen any around here.
Choofa says: At least I don't think so. Wouldn't they be... BIG?
Slanknen says: Perhaps such beings slumber in our groves?

To the spotlight one final time, to Take a Bow, then return backstage to Featherlight:

Featherlight says: Time for the next act!

Talking to Ysera in the audience

This place is new and yet I feel almost as if I have been here before.


  1. N [60] Report to Moonberry
  2. N [60] The Heart of the Forest
  3. N [60] The Boon of Shapes
  4. N [60] Show, Don't Tell
  5. N [60] Break a Leg
  6. N [60] The Fourth Wall, er, War
  7. N [60] What's My Motivation?
  8. N [60] For Queen and Grove!
  9. N [60] Keeper of Great Renown
  10. N [60] The Forest Will Sing Your Name
  11. N [60] A Call to Service
  12. N [60] A Calling in Ardenweald
  13. N [60] Who Shapes the Forest
  14. N [60] Into the Reservoir
  15. N [60] Recover the Lost
  16. N [60] Do What We Cannot
  17. N [60] Setting the Ground Rules
  18. N [60] Rule 1: Have an Escape Plan
  19. N [60] Rule 2: Keep a Low Profile
  20. N [60] Rule 3: Trust is Earned
  21. N [60] Hopeful News
  22. N [60] Flutterback
  23. N [60] Recovered Souls
  24. N [60] The First New Growth
  25. N [60] The Forge of Bonds
  26. N [60] The Boon of Binding
  27. N [60] Strengthening the Bond
  28. N [60] A Conduit for Growth
  29. N [60] The Endless Forest

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Ysera yells: It gladdens me to know the Dream is safe.

Patch changes

External links