Do What We Cannot

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Night FaeDo What We Cannot
Start Flutterby [34.0, 43.5]
End Ve'nari [46.9, 41.7]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Campaign
Experience 950
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] Recover the Lost
Next N [60] Setting the Ground Rules


Find Ve'nari in the Maw.


Rumor has it that you've been to the Maw and back... and that you even made friends with a broker in there!

So many souls destined for Ardenweald are trapped in that dark realm. They need our help... and we need theirs! We can't cultivate the Heart of the Forest's magic without them.

I know this is a lot to ask... but you may be our only hope of rescuing them. Please, venture into the Maw and do what we cannot. Ardenweald's future depends on it!


You will receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 950 XP


Back again so soon, Maw Walker?


To Oribos, the Ring of Transference, then a swan dive off the center into the Maw.


  1. N [60] Report to Moonberry
  2. N [60] The Heart of the Forest
  3. N [60] The Boon of Shapes
  4. N [60] Show, Don't Tell
  5. N [60] Break a Leg
  6. N [60] The Fourth Wall, er, War
  7. N [60] What's My Motivation?
  8. N [60] For Queen and Grove!
  9. N [60] Keeper of Great Renown
  10. N [60] The Forest Will Sing Your Name
  11. N [60] A Call to Service
  12. N [60] A Calling in Ardenweald
  13. N [60] Who Shapes the Forest
  14. N [60] Into the Reservoir
  15. N [60] Recover the Lost
  16. N [60] Do What We Cannot
  17. N [60] Setting the Ground Rules
  18. N [60] Rule 1: Have an Escape Plan
  19. N [60] Rule 2: Keep a Low Profile
  20. N [60] Rule 3: Trust is Earned
  21. N [60] Hopeful News
  22. N [60] Flutterback
  23. N [60] Recovered Souls
  24. N [60] The First New Growth
  25. N [60] The Forge of Bonds
  26. N [60] The Boon of Binding
  27. N [60] Strengthening the Bond
  28. N [60] A Conduit for Growth
  29. N [60] The Endless Forest

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Our resources are stretched so thin and bringing the Heart of the Forest back to full power takes a lot of effort. But I have an idea and I hope you'll agree to help because, well, it doesn't really work without you.

So many souls destined for Ardenweald are trapped in the Maw! If you can find a way to free them and bring them home with you, I'm certain they'd help us!

I am asking you to return to the Maw. Find any aid you can and do what we cannot. Ardenweald's future may depend on it!

Patch changes

External links