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Lurking Terror

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Main article: Xavius (tactics)
MobLurking Terror
Image of Lurking Terror
Race Haunt (Aberration)
Level 45 Elite (Emerald Nightmare);
60 (Ardenweald)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Emerald Nightmare
Location Rift of Aln, Emerald Nightmare;
Star Lake Amphitheater, Ardenweald
Status Killable

Lurking Terrors are haunts summoned by Xavius in the Emerald Nightmare.

Niya summons non-elite Lurking Terrors with no abilities when she plays the role of Xavius at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.


Emerald Nightmare
  • Ability fixated state red.png Tormenting Fixation — The Lurking Terror selects a target to Fixate on.
  • Sha inv misc slime 01 nightmare.png Tormenting Infection — The Lurking Terror infects the first enemy it gets near, inflicting Shadow damage and causing 20 Corruption.

Patch changes

External links

Emerald Nightmare Ardenweald