Bombs Away: Windshear Mine!

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AllianceBombs Away: Windshear Mine!
Start Professor Xakxak Gyromate
End Boog the "Gear Whisperer"
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 210
Reputation +10 Darnassus,
+10 Gnomeregan
Previous A [7-30] Burn, Baby, Burn!
Next A [10-30] Don't Look Them in the Eyes


Report to Boog the "Gear Whisperer" at Windshear Mine in Stonetalon Mountains.


Ve have discovered ze vhereabouts of ze gigantic goblin bomb zat you discovered at Silvervind Refuge.

You remember Boog? Ze gnome you rescued from ze orcish vagon of agony? Vell, he and Minx have tracked ze bomb down to Windshear Mine. Go zhere immediately, <name>! Zey'll be expecting you.


Good to see you again, <name>. Thanks for the rescue in Ashenvale. Damn shame about all the gnomes we lost.

You ready to get down to business?

<Boog points to "The Bomb.">


Requires completion of a quest chain in Ashenvale from Stardust Spire before becoming available.

  1. A [7-30] To the Spire or A [10-30] Hero's Call: Stonetalon Mountains! (optional breadcrumb quests)
  2. A [7-30] They Took Our Gnomes / A [7-30] Ze Gnomecorder
  3. A [7-30] They Set Them Up The Bomb
  4. A [10-30] Do Yourself a Favor
  5. A [10-30] The Only Way Down is in a Body Bag
  6. A [10-30] Return to Stardust

Gnomecorder and Mine:

  1. A [7-30] Field Test: Gnomecorder
  2. A [7-30] Burn, Baby, Burn!
  3. A [10-30] Bombs Away: Windshear Mine!
  4. A [10-30] Don't Look Them in the Eyes

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