Ze Gnomecorder

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AllianceZe Gnomecorder
Start Professor Xakxak Gyromate
End Professor Xakxak Gyromate
Level 7-30 (Requires 7)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 2000
Rewards 18s


Recover 8 pieces of Filthy Goblin Technology.


Zese goblinz dizgust me. Zer filzy goblin technology iz inferior to anyzing gnomish, yet...

<Professor Xakxak sighs.>

It iz ze last piece of ze puzzle! Wizout ze filzy goblin technology ze gnomecorder cannot be built!

Venture eazt into ze "Skunkworks" and take from zem zer filzy goblin junk! You vill most likely find zem on goblin technicians.

<Professor Xakxak laughs mockingly.>

Goblin technician? Vut iz zat anyvay?

<Professor Xakxak shrugs.>

Zome kind of oxymoron?


Ze junk? Do you have zit?


Ah, ze junk haz arrived! Zit is ze last piece of ze puzzle! Now to zet it up! Standby, <name>!


  1. A [10-30] Hero's Call: Stonetalon Mountains! (optional breadcrumb)
  2. A [7-30] They Took Our Gnomes


You will receive: 18s

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