Mr. P's Wild Ride

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AllianceMr. P's Wild Ride
Start Alice
End Lord Fallowmere
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 3,300
Reputation +500 Darnassus
Rewards  [Mr. Bubble's Shockingly Delicious Ice Cream]
Previous A [10-30] Just Ask Alice


Kill 20 Goblin Technicians and 5 Goblin Harvesters.


Now Mr. P just needs an angel to help him navigate. Will you be that angel, <mister/miss>? With you helping we can go out into the crag and kill bunches and bunches of Horde! Waddya say? Come on, <mister/miss>! PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP?

If we kill enough Horde Mr. Fallowmere will buy us all ice cream!


Inv misc food 31.png [Mr. Bubble's Shockingly Delicious Ice Cream]

You will receive:


<Lord Fallowmere coughs.>

This is awkward...

Good job out there with the robot. You caught me a little off guard. I didn't realize the little girl was so...

<Lord Fallowmere points to his temple and twirls his finger around.>

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