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Image of Bobbin
Title <Eye of the Weaver>
Race Nerubian spiderling (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Weaver's Lair, Azj-Kahet

Bobbin is a nerubian spiderling located in the Weaver's Lair in Azj-Kahet.


Inv misc questionmark.png Nerubimorph Poultice
Inv misc questionmark.png Rumor Map
Inv misc questionmark.png Rumor Map Bundle
Inv misc questionmark.png Spymaster's Severed Thread
Inv misc questionmark.png Treasure Map Bundle
Inv misc questionmark.png Treasure Map: Weave-Rat Cache
Inv misc questionmark.png Weaver's Facade
Inv misc questionmark.png [Widow's Undercrawler]


Objective of


Main article: Of Pacts and Patrons#Notes

Chk-chah! Hello, strange one. Did the Weaver take you in, too? Don't you worry. You'll be happy here! The Weaver takes good care of all of the weave-rats.

Even if they're funny looking, like you!

Gossip Why do you follow the Weaver?

The Weaver took us all in when we had nowhere else to go. It's hard to survive in the city when you're small. But we weave-rats are good at all sorts of things that other people can't do.

So we help the Weaver out! We keep an eye on things for her, and she keeps us safe until we're big enough to fend for ourselves.

Between you and me, though, I think she's a bit lonely. She says it's purely business, but I think she might like us a bit.

Patch changes

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