Bloodwarder Greenkeeper

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MobBloodwarder Greenkeeper
Image of Bloodwarder Greenkeeper
Gender Both
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 20-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bloodwarders
Location Botanica
Status Killable

Bloodwarder Greenkeepers are blood elves found in the Botanica satellite of Tempest Keep. They are researchers conducting, formulating, and watching over the blood elves' botanical experiments. The greenkeepers wield magic resembling druidic powers, but it is more likely that the source is rooted in the arcane. Thus, they are able to channel the wrath of nature to assault foes and dull their senses and abilities.


  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Greenkeeper's Fury — Hurls a bolt of lightning at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.
  • Ability creature poison 03.png Impending Coma — Increases the time between an enemy's attacks by 150% and slows its movement by 70% for 8 sec. Puts an enemy to sleep.
  • Spell nature callstorm.png Nature Shock — Hurls a bolt of lightning at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.


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