Blood Purification

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HordeBlood Purification
Start Minor Corruption
End Titan Keeper Hezrel
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 17,850
Reputation +25 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous H [20-60] Recovering Remnants, H [20-60] How to Repair a Titan Keeper & H [20-60] Corrupted Earth
Next H [20-60] Not Fit for This Plane, H [20-60] Void is Prohibited & H [20-60] Protocol Recovery


Destroy 4 Corrupted Energy.


<You see a strange blood orb that emanates whispers of suffering and destruction.

These must be the a source of energy for whatever corruption Hezrel is hunting. They appear easy enough to destroy[sic]

You can see more of these orbs around the temple grounds. Perhaps destroying them will help to weaken the corruption in the area.>


You will receive:


Blood orb destruction? Excellent diagnosis.


Scanners did not pick up evidence of corrupted energy. Must continue repairs, cannot make same mistake again.


  1. H [20-60] Slumber No More
  2. H [20-60] Recovering Remnants, H [20-60] How to Repair a Titan Keeper & H [20-60] Corrupted Earth
  3. H [20-60] Bone Procession, H [20-60] Blood Purification & H [20-60] Unwelcome Undead
  4. H [20-60] Not Fit for This Plane, H [20-60] Void is Prohibited & H [20-60] Protocol Recovery
  5. H [20-60] Containment Procedure
  6. H [20-60] Return to Gloom Hollow

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Patch changes

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