The Blood-Tempered Ranseur

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HordeThe Blood-Tempered Ranseur
Start Bemarrin[79, 39]
End Bemarrin[79, 39]
Level 23 (Requires 20)
Category Paladin
Race IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Blood elf
Rewards  [Blood-Tempered Ranseur]
Previous H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [23] Forging the Weapon

The Blood-Tempered Ranseur is the final part of the The Second Trial quest chain for blood elf paladins.


Wait while Bemarrin forges your weapon.


I've got everything prepared, <name>. Very soon you will have a weapon befitting your new status.


You receive
Inv spear 10.png [Blood-Tempered Ranseur]


Here it is, <name>. Use it well in the service of Silvermoon and your order.


  1. H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [20] The Second Trial
  2. H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [20] The Second Trial
  3. H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [23] Return to Silvermoon
  4. H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [23D] The Path of the Adept
  5. H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [23] Forging the Weapon
  6. H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [23] The Blood-Tempered Ranseur

Patch changes

External links

es:Misión:La corcesca templada en sangre