Blacksmith Frances

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HordeBlacksmith Frances
Image of Blacksmith Frances
Title <Blacksmithing Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tranquillien
Location Tranquillien, Ghostlands[49.0, 30.2]
Status Active

Blacksmith Frances is a Forsaken blacksmithing vendor located at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Item Cost
Blacksmithing and mining
 [Mining Pick] 1s 23c
 [Blacksmith Hammer] 18c
 [Luminous Flux] 9g
 [Weak Flux] 1s
 [Strong Flux] 20s
 [Durable Flux] 30s
 [Elemental Flux] 3g
 [Coal] 5s



Come for some blacksmithing supplies, have ya?

Buy I want to browse your goods.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

In life, she might have been Frances Lin in the Old Hillsbrad Foothills.

Patch changes

External links