Baron Aquanis (Season of Discovery quest)

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AllianceBaron Aquanis
Start Davius Voidstar
End Davius Voidstar
Level 27 (Requires 25)
Type Raid
Category Ashenvale
Reputation +150 Darnassus
+150 Stormwind
+150 Ironforge
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [27R] Baron Aquanis.


Bring the Strange Water Globe to Davidus Voidstar[sic] in Auberdine, Darkshore.


Greetings <class>. I've heard the most curious stories from the locals of a great corrupted water elemental named Baron Aquanis that stands vigil near the entrance to the Night Elf ruins known as Blackfathom Deeps. I'm here looking to hire adventurers brave enough to retrieve the core of Baron Aquanis, a globe of corrupted water. In exchange, I'd be willing to give you access to a portal directly to the Zoram Strand that I've been using to study the environs around the ruins... from a safe distance, of course.


You will receive:


Ah, hello again <name>. Have you retrieved the globe?


Hmm, most curious. This... isn't what I expected. Very well, thank you for this. As promised, you may now utilize my portal to the Zoram Strand.


Completing this quest unlocks a portal from Auberdine to the Zoram Strand to provide quick access to Blackfathom Deeps.

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