Elixir of Insight (2)

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HordeElixir of Insight
Start Je'neu Sancrea
End Je'neu Sancrea
Level 25 (Requires 1)
Category Shaman
Class Shaman Shaman
Previous H Shaman [25] Elixir of Insight
Next H Shaman [25] Hirzek


Drink the Elixir of Insight near the bonfire at Zoram'gar Outpost, and witness the vision it grants you.


The elixir is ready, <name>. Go down to the bonfire, on the beach, and drink it. Heed the vision given to you by the spirits, and return to me with your findings.


A quilboar shaman ... enslaving elementals? This is certainly troubling.


  1. H [27R] Baron Aquanis
  2. H Shaman [25] Elemental Distress
  3. H Shaman [25] Elixir of Insight
  4. H Shaman [25] Elixir of Insight
  5. H Shaman [25] Hirzek

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