Back to Booty Bay

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NeutralBack to Booty Bay
Start Kravel Koalbeard
End Crank Fizzlebub
Level 43 (Requires 35)
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 90-900 XP
Previous N [36] Rumors for Kravel
Next N [44] Zanzil's Secret

Back to Booty Bay is a neutral quest from the Mirage Raceway in the Shimmering Flats of Thousand Needles. In this quest, players travel to Booty Bay and meet with one of Kravel Koalbeard's many associates to discuss a new plot which the dwarf has cooked up. Players must have completed N [36] Rumors for Kravel to get this quest.

Note that this quest is not required for players to receive N [44] Zanzil's Secret, but is necessary for the following quest, N [44] Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout.


Bring Kravel's Scheme to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.


<Name>, you're a <class> I can trust, both to get the job done and to keep your mouth shut while doing it.

I've been brewing up a new scheme. It's risky, but if it works then we could both make a bundle! And I think you're just the person to see it through.

To start, you must go back to Booty Bay. I apologize, good <name>. I know my last task took you there. But this time, speak with Crank Fizzlebub.

Give him this letter. And if he requires aid, do your best to help him. It will be worth the effort.


  • 90-900 XP


I see. Kravel has a big scheme planned. He has a sinister mind -- I like that about him.

So you'll need something to addle wits, eh? Something powerful...

I wonder if the mixture Zanzil feeds his zombies could be used...


Crank Fizzlebub can be found in the Salty Sailor Tavern in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale. Talk to him to complete this quest.


This quest is part of a chain which involves running various errands for Kravel Koalbeard, a dwarf from the Mirage Raceway in Thousand Needles

  1. N [31] Rocket Car Parts
  2. N [36] Wharfmaster Dizzywig
  3. N [36] Parts for Kravel
  4. N [36] Delivery to the Gnomes
  5. N [36] The Rumormonger
  6. N [36] Dream Dust in the Swamp
  7. N [36] Rumors for Kravel
  8. N [43] Back to Booty Bay
  9. N [44] Zanzil's Secret (optional; does not require prior chain)
  10. N [44] Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout
  11. One of the following:
  12. N [44] Report Back to Fizzlebub
  13. N [44] Fool's Stout

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