Auchenai Warrior

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MobAuchenai Warrior
Image of Auchenai Warrior
Gender Both
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level    Retail: 15-30
Classic: 64 - 65
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Auchenai
Location Bone Wastes, Terokkar Forest
Status Killable

Auchenai Warriors are draenei located in the Bone Wastes on the south side of Auchindoun in Terokkar Forest. They are found fighting Sha'tar Vindicators.


  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Knockdown — Inflicts damage to an enemy, stunning it for 1 sec.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of steel that lasts until canceled. and inflicts double damage.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of steel that inflicts 200% of weapon damage.

Patch changes

See also

External links