Assault on The Fel Forge

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AllianceAssault on The Fel Forge
Start Tanaan Planning Map
End Exarch Yrel
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Daily
Category Tanaan Jungle
Experience 3,770
Reputation +500 Hand of the Prophet
Rewards [Oil] (600)
[Apexis Crystal] (2000)
46g 20s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40 Daily] Assault on The Fel Forge.


Assault the Iron Horde forces at the Fel Forge in Tanaan Jungle.

  • Assault the Iron Horde forces at the Fel Forge


The Iron Horde is growing stronger each day as their war machines are empowered with fel magic. We have even obtained word that they are constructing a Fel Reaver! Head to the Fel Forge and destroy their forces before we are overwhelmed.


You will receive:


Welcome back, commander. Our scouts just returned with word of your success.

Well done!


Patch changes

External links