Aronson the Vile

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HordeAronson the Vile
Image of Aronson the Vile
Title <Tiki Drinks>
Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 110 - 120
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Zandalari Empire
Location Hot House, Dazar'alor[38.8, 15.8]
Status Alive

Aronson the Vile is a Zandalari troll drink vendor located in the Hot House in Dazar'alor.

During Talanji's coronation, riots erupted in the Zocalo, and Aronson was cowering in fear while being defended by Rosie the Hitmon.

Vendor information

Inv misc goblincup01.png [Bijou on the Beach]
3g 24s
Inv drink 31 embalmingfluid.png [Bwonzombie]
3g 24s
Inv drink 14.png [Grotto Punch]
3g 24s
Inv drink 19.png [Jani Juice]
3g 24s
Inv drink 23.png [Tiki Tumbler]
3g 24s
Inv misc goblincup01.png [Trolwhip]
3g 24s

Patch changes

External links

Normal Zandalari recruitment