Arios Riftbearer

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NeutralArios Riftbearer
Image of Arios Riftbearer
Title <Hand of Wisdom>
Gender Male
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Ascended
Location Bastion; Keeper's Respite, Korthia
Status Active

Arios Riftbearer is an Ascended kyrian located in Bastion. He is the Hand of Wisdom serving as second in command to Thenios, the Paragon of Wisdom. He was present during the reception the Archon arranged for a Maw Walker, who decided to join the Kyrian Covenant, in honor of their efforts against the Maldraxxus incursion in Bastion.[1] When the Archon called the sound to battle against the Forsworn at the Temple of Loyalty, the Maw Walker was sent to gather all the kyrians including Arios who rallied his fellow Collectors to battle.[2]

He would later show up in Keeper's Respite in Korthia where he would ask the Maw Walker to gather the grimoires of Mawsworn magic users and bring them to him so he could learn what they were capable of to properly prepare a defense.[3] He was also present during the grand reception before the ceremony where Adrestes was made the Paragon of Devotion and commended the Maw Walker on the wisdom they had shown and shared during their time in the Kyrian Covenant.[4]


Objective of


Main article: Before the Dawn#Notes

In Korthia:

To be wise, one must have knowledge, context, and clarity of thought.

During N [60] The Grand Reception:

Wisdom is not simply knowing the right thing to do in every situation. It is a tool you use, yes, but it is also something you share, and something you take in kind.

Not only have you shown wisdom in your actions, Maw Walker, but you've shared your wisdom with so many--and Bastion has blossomed because of it.

I hope you have learned from us in turn, and I hope that you let Bastion's lessons guide you in the future.


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