Another Warm Body

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HordeAnother Warm Body
Start Private Worcester
End Commander Molotov
Level 5-30
Category Azshara
Experience 460
Reputation +75 Bilgewater Cartel
Previous H [5-30] Refleshification, H [5-30] Basilisk Bashin', H [5-30] A Quota to Meet
Next H [5-30] Hand-me-downs, H [5-30] Military Breakthrough, H [5-30] First Degree Mortar


Report to Commander Molotov on Forlorn Ridge.


Oh have I got a deal for you! Immerse yourself in foreign cultures, go on epic adventures, blow things up, and get paid to do it! Sound too good to be true? Well it's not - this is what we do!

If you're interested, head over to Gallywix Defense Post on Forlorn Ridge to the north and look for Commander Molotov.


Latest recruit, eh?

I'll make this short and sweet. We're under contract to keep the naga in the ruins from reaching Gallywix or his property. You handle whatever we ask of you, and I'll see to it that you get paid when all of your rounds are complete.

Welcome to the Bilgewater Battalion.


Faster to simply run there than to take the rocketway and backtrack south. Head due north, above the ruins to the due east of Gallywix Pleasure Palace.


  1. H [5-30] Report to Horzak
  2. Complete all of:
    1. H [5-30] Stone Cold
    2. H [5-30] The Perfect Prism
    3. H [5-30] Prismbreak
    4. H [5-30] Refleshification
  3. H [5-30] Another Warm Body
  4. H [5-30] Hand-me-downs / H [5-30] Military Breakthrough / H [5-30] First Degree Mortar
  5. H [5-30] In The Face!
  6. H [5-30] Profitability Scouting
  7. H [5-30] Private Chat
  8. H [5-30] Survey the Lakeshore
    • Side chain:
    1. H [5-30] A Thousand Stories in the Sand
    2. H [5-30] Memories of the Dead
    3. H [5-30] Mystery of the Sarcen Stone
  9. H [5-30] Gunk in the Trunk
  10. H [5-30] Dozercism

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