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Start Commander Molotov
End Commander Molotov
Level 5-30
Category Azshara
Experience 900
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards  [Molotov Cocktail]
Previous H [5-30] Another Warm Body
Next H [5-30] In The Face!


Retrieve 12 Military Supply Packs from the central minefield.


First thing's first - we need more supplies for you and the other new recruits. There are some perfectly good standard issue packs on the bodies of our last round of recruits, in the minefield to the north.

Taking their lessons to heart, I'd recommend you avoid stepping on mines yourself.


You will receive:  [Molotov Cocktail] x2


Nothing wrong with recycled goods.


You're a light-footed bugger, aren't ya? Good work.

Here are a few of the suplies to keep you lively.


Head north. The minefield is between the two ridges on the ramp leading down from the Forlorn Ridge to the Ruins of Eldrath. The land mines have a ~10 yd proximity radius, so be careful. They only knock back and don't inflict any damage. Also, use the knockbacks as a way of launching across the area: the knockback happens along a line from the land mine to the player away from the land mine. Also, there are a few dead soldiers near Warlord Krellian north of the minefield.


  1. H [5-30] Report to Horzak
  2. Complete all of:
    1. H [5-30] Stone Cold
    2. H [5-30] The Perfect Prism
    3. H [5-30] Prismbreak
    4. H [5-30] Refleshification
  3. H [5-30] Another Warm Body
  4. H [5-30] Hand-me-downs / H [5-30] Military Breakthrough / H [5-30] First Degree Mortar
  5. H [5-30] In The Face!
  6. H [5-30] Profitability Scouting
  7. H [5-30] Private Chat
  8. H [5-30] Survey the Lakeshore
    • Side chain:
    1. H [5-30] A Thousand Stories in the Sand
    2. H [5-30] Memories of the Dead
    3. H [5-30] Mystery of the Sarcen Stone
  9. H [5-30] Gunk in the Trunk
  10. H [5-30] Dozercism

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