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An Opportunity to Relax

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NeutralAn Opportunity to Relax
Start Mindi Maxlof
End Mindi Maxlof
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Next N [73-75] To Opportunity Point

An Opportunity to Relax begins an optional chapter of the Ringing Deeps storyline, started by Mind Maxlof at the Pillarstone Spire south of Gundargaz.

Nearby, a Rusted Lever starts N [73-75] Rust and Redemption.


Pass out 6 flyers to tired workers in and around Gundargaz.


Hey, you! Yeah, you'll do. You wanna make some coin? We's tryin' to drum up business at our exclusive resort. Maybe ye heard of it? Opportunity Point Spa and Resort!

Boss sent me up to Gundargaz to pass out this stack of flyers, but my trike blew a gasket and I'll be stuck here for a bit repairing her. How's about you head up there and pass them out for me? Look for the tired and weary types.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,850 XP


I shoulda listened to my mechanic. He told me there was no way my trike was gonna make it all the way up here, but my boss has been on me to get more clients.

Did you pass out those flyers yet?


You're back! How did it go? Should we starting preparing for large crowds?


On approach:

Mindi Maxlof says: Hey! I'm in a bind here. You wanna make some coin?

On accept:

Mindi Maxlof says: Hurry up with that or my boss'll have my ears snipped.

Head northwest to Gundargaz and interact with Tired Workers:

  • Tired Worker says: Gratitude. I'll check it out,
  • Tired Worker says: Hmm, perhaps. I will check my schedule,
  • Tired Worker says: Opportunity Point Spa? We have a spa right here.
  • Tired Worker says: That sounds far away. Maybe one day..
  • Tired Worker says: Who has the time?


  1. N [73-75] An Opportunity to Relax
  2. N [73-75] To Opportunity Point
  3. N [73-75] Papers? Please!

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