Ambassador to the Ancient (Horde)

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HordeAmbassador to the Ancient
Start Rakthoth [49.2, 49.6]
End Rakthoth [51.2, 48.0]
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 14100
Rewards 18g 90s
Previous H [15-40] Reagents from Rakthoth
Next H [15-40] Shredder vs. Saberon, H [15-40] Beatface vs. Boulder
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-40] Ambassador to the Ancient.


Talk to Birchus at Dionor's Demise in Gorgrond.


I have seen a tough looking "tree" in that growth. It cries and moans but does not act hostile.

It may know how to get rid of these plants. Go and see if it does.


You will receive:

  • 18g 90s
  • 14100 XP


So that is why the saberon have barricaded themselves up there. They are good hunting <name>, and I want to get in there!

I have an idea about that...


Pick up H [15-40] Plant Pruning before heading out.

At the southern end of the forested area, find a pile of Hardened Thornvine, which can be shredded by players who chose the Lumber Mill to find an Aged Stone Container.

Birchus is found on the east side of the forested area near the north end of the quest area, standing a dozen yards away from the corpse of Dionor the Carnivorous.

I should crush you but what would be the point... I have failed in my duties and can only wawit until I am crushed to dust...
Gossip Thank you for not killing me. What duty have you failed?
Dionor was a powerful and bold champion of our kind. He sought to break the ancient lines of battle and take the fight to the enemy.
It ended with his defeat at the hands of several magnaron... Here he fell, some of his energy creating a small sanctuary for those of us that remained until I could fulfill my duty... but I cannot...
Gossip What were you supposed to do?
When a champion like Dionor falls, a Death Bloom will grow from his husk. I was to collect this Bloom and perform a sacred rite here to release his life force back to the overgrowth.
As I was about to do this I was set upon by fur-covered two legs and they took the Bloom first. We tried to follow but they raised barriers and used fire to drive us back.
So now I stand vigil over my failure until we are all ground into the tortured soil by our great enemy...
Gossip So getting that bloom back might fix things... interseting...

At the northern end of the quest area, Char the Burning, a rare Draenor ancient, has been set alight by some Grom'kar Pyros. Loot Char's corpse for  [Char's Smoldering Fist] and 10-20 [Garrison Resources]. Additionally, to the northwest, elite steam elemental Erosian the Violent is found. An objective of  [Gorgrond Monster Hunter], Erosian drops  [Crystalized Steam], which starts B [15-40] Trophy of Glory: Erosian.


  1. A [15-40] Seeking the Scout / H [15-40] Reagents from Rakthoth
  2. Complete both:
  3. B [15-40] Shredder vs. Saberon / B [15-40] Beatface vs. Boulder
  4. Complete both:
  5. B [15-40] Taking the Death Bloom
  6. B [15-40] Laying Dionor to Rest

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