Plant Pruning (Horde)

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HordePlant Pruning
Start Rakthoth [49.2, 49.6]
End Rakthoth [51.2, 48.0]
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 14100
Rewards Item level 528 belts
18g 90s
Previous H [15-40] Reagents from Rakthoth
Next H [15-40] Shredder vs. Saberon, H [15-40] Beatface vs. Boulder
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-40] Plant Pruning.


Kill 12 defenders at Dionor's Demise.

  • Dionor defenders slain (12)


I have a hunting den not far from here where I gather my trophies as well as reagents for the Laughing Skull. Not long ago this giant plant monster charged in from the overgrowth and was killed by several of the giant rock monsters. Since it died smaller plant beasts have sprung up and made a mess of the place.

They have also cut me off from my best source of reagents. Kill them, I will attempt to reach my den and salvage what I can...


You will receive one of:

Item level 528 belts
Inv belt cloth draenorquest90 b 01.png [Steamburst Waistwrap] Inv belt leather draenorquest90 b 01.png [Overgrowth Cutter Girdle]
Inv mail draenorquest90 b 01belt.png [Wildwood Wrangler Links] Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01belt.png [Foundry-Fired Plate Waistguard]

You will receive:

  • 18g 90s
  • 14100 XP


Have you cleared a path yet?


They just keep coming back! I would hate to lose this hunting ground. We shall find a way clear this growth, I swear it.


Pick up H [15-40] Ambassador to the Ancient before heading out.

Then enter the forested area and start killing botani and tentacles.

At the southern end of the forested area, find a pile of Hardened Thornvine, which can be shredded by players who chose the Lumber Mill to find an Aged Stone Container.

At the northern end of the quest area, Char the Burning, a rare Draenor ancient, has been set alight by some Grom'kar Pyros. Loot Char's corpse for  [Char's Smoldering Fist] and 10-20 [Garrison Resources]. Additionally, to the northwest, elite steam elemental Erosian the Violent is found. An objective of  [Gorgrond Monster Hunter], Erosian drops  [Crystalized Steam], which starts B [15-40] Trophy of Glory: Erosian.


  1. A [15-40] Seeking the Scout / H [15-40] Reagents from Rakthoth
  2. Complete both:
  3. B [15-40] Shredder vs. Saberon / B [15-40] Beatface vs. Boulder
  4. Complete both:
  5. B [15-40] Taking the Death Bloom
  6. B [15-40] Laying Dionor to Rest

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