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Amaki Guard

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MobAmaki Guard
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Gender Female
Race Blood troll (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Amaki tribe
Location Nazmir
Status Killable

Amaki Guards are blood trolls located in Nazmir.


  • Blood Frenzy - The caster draws their own blood, increasing their Attack speed by 50% and inflicting Physical damage to them over 6 sec.
  • Charge - Charges at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage upon impact.
  • Savage Strike - Strike the target, inflicting Physical damage.

Objective of


  • Blood for da singers!
  • Da Blood God... claims... all...
  • Da crawgs be eatin' well tonight!
  • G'huun!
  • Gachaga!
  • Hahaha!
  • I'll take ya blood. Da rest can rot!
  • Me blood... for... G'huun!
  • My sistahs... gonna... avenge... me...
  • Pohkiza...
  • Your blood gonna fuel us!
  • Your blood gonna wet my blade.
  • Your hide gonna make a fine harness!
  • Zuldazar... gonna... fall...

Patch changes

External links