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Alone in the Dark

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NeutralAlone in the Dark
Start Orweyna
End Spindle
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 8,700
Rewards 17g 55s
Previous N [78-80] For Naught, So Vial, N [78-80] Fear the Old Blood
Next N [78-80] A Guiding Thread


Investigate the Eye of Ansurek.

  • Meet Orweyna at the Eye of Ansurek
  • Overlook Investigated


My people do not think that this Black Blood is a threat to our world. It has sat dormant for ages, after all. Why should that change now?

But the world is changing more quickly than my people realize. The nerubians' decision to extract the Blood for their own ends is proof of that.

The nerubians hold a watchtower not far from here. The ones who survived the pit could not have gotten too far. We should give chase immediately.


You will receive:

  • 17g 55s
  • 8,700 XP


<The bizarre creature's eyes remain locked upon you, unwavering. It nudges something towards you - a scroll with a thick seal of violet wax.>


On accept:

Orweyna says: Come with me. You need to know what you fight against.
Orweyna shifts to bat form and flies off.

Catch up with her at the Eye of Ansurek:

Orweyna says: Someone was here first. Not a battle. A hunt.
She inspects the corpse of a dead nerubian.
Orweyna says: The trail runs cold. Check the watch tower.
She runs off.

Catch up with her again at the overlook:

It would seem our trail runs cold here.

Gossip (Quest) Where do we go from here?

An in-game cinematic plays, 11.0 Z5 - Level Up - Chapter One RTC:

The player witnesses the City of Threads for the first time.
Orweyna warns the player off, telling them that they have no hope of infiltrating the city.
If Alleria and Anduin are there, then they are lost.
Orweyna departs, leaving the player alone.
Behind them, a small spider-creature rings a bell, attracting their attention.


  1. N [78-80] Chasing the Light & N [78-80] Heroes Never Die
  2. N [78-80] Friends in Low Places
  3. N [78-80] For Naught, So Vial & N [78-80] Fear the Old Blood
  4. N [78-80] Alone in the Dark
  5. N [78-80] A Guiding Thread
  6. N [78-80] The Tangled Web & N [78-80] A Seeming Respite

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