Alexia Ironknife

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AllianceAlexia Ironknife
Image of Alexia Ironknife
Gender Female
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Location Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands
Status Alive

Alexia Ironknife is a dwarf found in Chillwind Camp in the Western Plaguelands. During the Burning Legion's third invasion, Alexia is sought out by the new Highlord of the Silver Hand in order to learn more about the Ashbringer and the human mage Timolain. She directed the leader to Hearthglen to find evidence.

Her Horde counterpart, IconSmall Tauren Male.gifHorde Bardu Sharpeye, can be found at The Bulwark in Tirisfal Glades.



Greetings, <class>. Don't have too much time to talk -- I'm just using Chillwind as a camp to get some rest before heading to Hearthglen. I've heard word that before they went crazy, the Scarlet Crusade had a mage working for them who was trying to create powerful bows and guns for their soldiers. I'm not sure if he succeeded or not... the Crusade killed him before any of his finished product made it out. Maybe they killed him to keep it a secret... or maybe they distrust the arcane that much.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Corrupted Remembrance - Ashbringer Hidden Artifact Appearance

Gossip Do you know anything more about what this wizard created to deserve such a fate?

I'm afraid I don't know.
Only the crusaders that killed him know the truth, and none among their ranks live to reveal it.
I would search their former holds for answers.


  • It was believed that she was part of an original Ashbringer quest-line and that the mage referenced by her was Timolain.
    • This was revisited in her Legion-involvement.

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