Adventurers Wanted: Dire Maul Capital Gardens (Alliance)

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AllianceAdventurers Wanted: Dire Maul Capital Gardens
Start Hero's Call Board
End Estulan
Level 41 (Requires 41)
Type Dungeon
Category Dire Maul
Experience 455
Rewards 5s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [41D] Adventurers Wanted: Dire Maul Capital Gardens.


Speak with Estulan.


King Varian Wrynn has requested that any able-bodied adventurer head to Dire Maul's Capital Gardens, east of Feathermoon Stronghold, immediately!

The fallen Highborne Prince Tortheldrin is using the massive demon Immol'thar to control the area! If you so choose, head to the Capital Gardens and speak with Estulan, a recently discovered pure Highborne seeking to reclaim the fallen city for his people.


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External links