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Adderis and Aspix

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BossAdderis and Aspix
No image available
Gender Male
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Temple of Sethraliss[0, 0]
Status Killable

Adderis and Aspix are the first boss encounter of the Temple of Sethraliss.

Adventure Guide

A pair of powerful sethrak charged with guarding the temple's entrance to prevent anyone from interfering with their master's plot.


Aspix and Adderis have a Lightning Shield that transfers back and forth between them during the encounter. This shield empowers the recipient, granting access to powerful lightning-based abilities. When not empowered in this way, they will use wind-based attacks instead.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Lightning Shield reflects damage to attackers.
  • Side step Adderis' Cyclone Strike.
  • Avoid damage allies when afflicted with Conduction.
  • Spread out for Arc Dash.
  • Stay in close to Adderis when he is not shielded to help split the damage of Arcing Blade.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Get away from your allies when targeted by Conduction.
  • At 100 energy Aspix will cast Static Shock inflicting heavy damage to the party.
  • Spread out when Adderis reaches 100 energy to avoid damage from Arc Dash.
  • Stay in close to Adderis when he is not shielded to help split the damage of Arcing Blade.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Lightning Shield reflects damage to attackers.
  • Side step Adderis' Cyclone Strike.
  • Spread out when Adderis reaches 100 energy to avoid damage from Arc Dash.
  • Keep Adderis close to your allies when he is not shielded to help split the damage of Arcing Blade.


Spell nature lightningshield.png Lightning Shield Deadly Important — The caster is surrounded by Arc Lightning that reflects 7638 Nature damage to all attackers. Aspix gains the Lightning Shield at the beginning of the fight.


  • Spell deathknight antimagiczone.png Arcing Blade Heroic Difficulty Important — Adderis inflicts 15912 Nature damage, divided evenly amongst all targets within 15 yards of him.
  • Creatureportrait cyclone nodebris.png Cyclone Strike Deadly — Adderis swings their weapon so quickly that a burst of wind inflicts 7161 Nature damage to all players in front of the caster.
  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png A Peal of Thunder Deadly — Adderis winds up for a massive strike that inflicts 17175 Nature damage to all enemies within 15 yards. Adderis uses this ability when he has 50 energy.
  • Ability socererking arcanewrath.png Arc Dash Important — Adderis slips through the air at blinding speed, teleporting to the target location and striking all enemies along the way. Adderis uses this ability when he has 100 energy.


  • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Jolt Interruptible — Aspix jolts the target for 4774 Nature damage.
  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Conduction Important — Aspix charges the air around the victim, causing them to release a sudden burst of 9548 Nature damage after 5 sec. Any allies within 8 yards of the victim will take Nature damage when this effect expires. Aspix uses this ability when he has 50 energy.
  • Spell shaman staticshock.png Static Shock Healer Alert — Aspix unleashes a burst of electricity that inflicts 7160 Nature damage. Aspix uses this ability when he has 100 energy.
  • Ability skyreach wind.png Gust Interruptible — Aspix blasts the target for 4774 Nature damage.
  • Ability druid astralstorm.png Gale Force Heroic Difficulty — Aspix channels a gale force wind at a random target, pushing back all players in line with the victim.


Item Type
Agility polearm
Intellect staff
Leather belt
Plate bracers
Mail bracers
Cloth bracers
Plate leggings
Leather leggings
Mail boots
Cloth boots



Patch changes

External links

Adderis Aspix