A Temple In Need

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For the second version, see N [51-60] A Temple in Need.
NeutralA Temple In Need
Start Eridia
End Eridia
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Bastion
Experience 8,050
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [51-60] The Temple of Purity
Next N [50] The Missing Acolyte


Aid the Disciples within the Temple of Purity.


Your arrival is timely, Aspirant <name>.

My brothers and sisters at the Crucible spoke of your eagerness. You are clear of purpose and not yet hardened against the rigors of a time beyond anima.

There is little time to explain. My Disciples are few and weary. Our charges are many and anguished. The temple cannot accommodate the number of seekers who have come to its gates.

Lend your aid to my Disciples.

Once they are free to perform their duties, I will meet you within.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 8,050 XP


My Acolytes and Disciples are grateful for your assistance. For myself, I have seen that you are one that I can trust with a more delicate task.


Disciple Fotima

You have a purposeful look about you.

If you are here to lend me you aid, you are not a moment too soon. This Acolyte is in the midst of a purification ritual that we have been unable to complete.

Another set of hands may be all that is needed to see her set to rights.

What say you?

Gossip I will help you.
Disciple Fotima says: We must act quickly.
Disciple Fotima says: Let the vesper's song fill your mind, Acolyte!
Acolyte Danysia says: I... can't!
Disciple Fotima says: You can, and you must!
Danysia's Burden appears.
Disciple Fotima says: Her burden reveals itself. As with many, it is a memory of the one she could not save in life.
Disciple Fotima says: Dispatch this remnant, so she may be purified.
Danysia's Burden killed.
Disciple Fotima says: It is done. How do you feel, Acolyte?
Acolyte Danysia says: Lighter... and clearer.
Disciple Fotima says: You are one step closer to your ascension, sister.
Disciple Fotima says: You have my thanks, <name>.
Disciple Kosmas

You must be one of the new Aspirants we have heard so much about.

I am in the midst of assisting this Acolyte. He has chosen this day to meditate upon the pleasant things.

I could use your help, if you would be so kind.

Gossip Tell me how I can help.
Disciple Kosmas says: Thank you, <name>. I think you will find this exercise enlightening as well.
Disciple Kosmas says: As you will see, not all the memories that bind us are violent.
Galistos' Burdens appear.
Disciple Kosmas says: Ah, I see. Bonds of kinship are strong indeed.
Disciple Kosmas says: A light touch will dismiss these images, <name>.
Galistos' Burdens appear.
Disciple Kosmas says: Stronger still are bonds forged in war. This Acolyte fought alongside his people in a great conflict.
Galistos' Burdens appear.
Disciple Kosmas says: Closest to many are the bonds of family. They will no be easy to forget.
Disciple Kosmas says: It is done. Thank you, <name>.
Disciple Kosmas says: How do you feel, Acolyte?
Acolyte Galistos says: I feel... calm. And a little sad, if I am being honest.
Disciple Kosmas says: Time will ease your pain, Acolyte.
Disciple Lykaste

Ahhh, a new arrival.

One of my Acolytes is struggling to cleanse a truly horrific memory.

I dare not release it without your consent. Will you help her defeat it?

Gossip I will help you defeat this burden.
Disciple Lykaste says: Such a heavy burden will not be easy to overcome.
Disciple Lykaste says: This Vesper's mighty song will weaken it.
Erisne's Burden appears.
Disciple Lykaste says: There are things we have witnessed that will haunt us for centuries.
Disciple Lykaste says: We must defeat them again and again.
Erisne's Burden killed.
Acolyte Erisne says: I am ready to try again, Disciple.
Disciple Lykaste says: Very good, Acolyte.
Disciple Lykaste says: DO not worry for her, <name>. This is all part of the process. With our Vespers, she will prevail.
Completing the quest
Eridia says: You will have noticed that all the Acolytes once called Azeroth home.
Eridia says: That was not a coincidence.


  1. N [51-60] Welcome to Eternity
  2. N [50] The Sacred Covenant
  3. N [50] You Are Expected
  4. N [50] The Fate You Earned
  5. N [50] An Eternity of Service
  6. N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Etherwyrms & N [50] The Cycle of Anima: Adrima's Lily & N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Drought Conditions & N [51-60] Suggested Reading
  7. N [51-60] The Work of One's Hands
  8. N [50] All Part of the Process
  9. N [50] The Silence of Combat & N [50] On Your Level
  10. N [50] A Hero In Life
  11. Aspirant's Reflection
  12. N [51-60] The First Cleansing
  13. N [50] One of Us
  14. N [50] A Well Earned Rest
  15. N [51-60] The Temple of Purity
  16. N [50] A Temple In Need & N [51-60] On the Edge of a Revelation
  17. N [50] The Missing Acolyte
  18. N [51-60] Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend

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