One of Us (alpha)

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NeutralOne of Us
Start Kleia
End Hymnal
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Bastion
Experience 12,100
Rewards 70g 20s
Previous N [51-60] The First Cleansing
Next N [50] A Well Earned Rest


Answer the call of the Ascended.

  • Speak to Hymnal
  • Become an Aspirant


The Ascended have come from Elysium Hold to witness you!

Since your arrival, you have been weighed and measured in the eyes of Bastion's greatest. Your every step has been under careful scrutiny to determine if you could stand among us as an Aspirant.

It takes many souls a great deal of time to achieve what you did in so little time.

There is something special about you, and I am certain the Ascended will recognize it as I have.

When they call, you will answer.


You will receive:

  • 70g 20s
  • 12,100 XP

You will learn:


You are worthy of Bastion's grace, <name>. You will be needed, before long.


Accepting the quest
Hymnal says: I have watched you since your arrival, <name>.
Hymnal says: Come to me. It is time.
Speaking to Hymnal

<The Ascended peers down at you.>

Greetings, <name>. Eagerly have I anticipated this moment.

Gossip You called, and I have come.
Hymnal says: When you arrived here, you were meant to be a formless shell of being.
Hymnal says: At this moment, I was fated to shape you into an Aspirant. Te deem you Kyrian.
Hymnal says: I cannot mold what still has form, but I can impart within you the same grace.
Hymnal says: Accept my gift, <name>. Walk the path of the Aspirant alongside the worthy of Bastion.
Completing the quest
Hymnal says: It is done. Though you do not look the part, you shall walk the path fate has set before you.
Kleia says: Congratulations.
Pelagos says: I knew you could do it.


  1. N [51-60] Welcome to Eternity
  2. N [50] The Sacred Covenant
  3. N [50] You Are Expected
  4. N [50] The Fate You Earned
  5. N [50] An Eternity of Service
  6. N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Etherwyrms & N [50] The Cycle of Anima: Adrima's Lily & N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Drought Conditions & N [51-60] Suggested Reading
  7. N [51-60] The Work of One's Hands
  8. N [50] All Part of the Process
  9. N [50] The Silence of Combat & N [50] On Your Level
  10. N [50] A Hero In Life
  11. Aspirant's Reflection
  12. N [51-60] The First Cleansing
  13. N [50] One of Us
  14. N [50] A Well Earned Rest
  15. N [51-60] The Temple of Purity
  16. N [50] A Temple In Need & N [51-60] On the Edge of a Revelation
  17. N [50] The Missing Acolyte
  18. N [51-60] Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend

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