A Shattered Path Through Time (Battle for Azeroth)

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For the other versions, see A Shattered Path Through Time (disambiguation).
Alliance & HordeA Shattered Path Through Time
Start Alliance Chronicler Toopa
Horde Chronicler Shoopa
End Alliance Chronicler Toopa
Horde Chronicler Shoopa
Level 120 (Requires 120)
Type Weekly
Category Weekend Event
Rewards  [Cache of Ny'alothan Treasures]
 [Radiant Azerite Core]


Complete 5 Timewalking dungeons.

  • Timewalking dungeons completed (5)


The Destroyer's star shines upon the land with its piercing light as even the spirits retreat to the shadows. This star is unlike any other in the skies, laying bare the weaknesses of even the boldest heroes. While its influence holds, new paths may open up, to distant places and even distant times. No sage truly understands the nature of this sign, but fortune favors the daring.


You will receive:
Inv misc treasurechest04b.png [Cache of Ny'alothan Treasures] Inv radientazeritecore.png [Radiant Azerite Core]


I foresee that you will follow the Destroyer's star, and walk the paths it reveals.


Ah, <name>, you have returned. An otherworldly air hangs heavy about you.

Patch changes

External links