Lupello (quest)

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Lupello on the south side of the river
Start Francis the Shepherd Boy [78.1, 32.9]
End Francis the Shepherd Boy [78.1, 32.9]
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards 10g 20s
Previous N [15-35] A Neighbor's Duty
Next N [15-35] A Lesson in Bravery


Leader of wolves, devourer of lambs.

Slay Lupello.


I've been thinking... the wolves might stop attacking if we kill their pack leader.

We call him Lupello, and he patrols the opposite riverbank.

<Francis' concentration is broken by another attack. Perhaps you should go deal with Lupello yourself.>


You will receive: 10g 20s


What will Master Shang say when he finds out?


I know I should be the one fighting them off. Maybe I'm not cut out for shepherding after all.


  • 129000 XP


Pick up N [15-35] Piercing Talons and Slavering Jaws before heading out. Head southeast and start killing. Lupello is on the other bank of the river just past the bridge. He is a level 86 wolf with 368,000 health and counts as a kill for the slavering jaws quest as well. He does not have a tap, so as long as some damage is inflicted, kill credit will be granted.

Lupello's abilities:

  • Basic melee — 6200-7400 on cloth.
  • Savage Bite Melee range — Inflicts 110% weapon damage.

On completion of both:

Francis the Shepherd Boy says: Uh-oh... here comes the master now...
Shang Thunderfoot walks up.
Shang Thunderfoot says: Francis! We need to talk!

He offers the next quest.


Optional breadcrumbs: N [15-35] They Call Him... Stormstout, N [15-35] His Name Was... Stormstout. A [15-35] Hero's Call: Valley of the Four Winds!, H [15-35] Warchief's Command: Valley of the Four Winds!

  1. N [15-35] Chen and Li Li
  2. N [15-35] A Seemingly Endless Nuisance & N [15-35] A Poor Grasp of the Basics
  3. N [15-35] Low Turnip Turnout
  4. N [15-35] Taking a Crop
  5. N [15-35] Practically Perfect Produce
  6. N [15-35] The Fabulous Miss Fanny
  7. N [15-35] The Meat They'll Eat & N [15-35] Back to the Sty
  8. N [15-35] A Neighbor's Duty
  9. N [15-35] Piercing Talons and Slavering Jaws & N [15-35] Lupello
  10. N [15-35] A Lesson in Bravery

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