A Hunter's Strength (night elf)

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For the tauren quest, see H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif Hunter [2] A Hunter's Strength.
AllianceA Hunter's Strength
Start Ayanna Everstride
End Ayanna Everstride
Level 2 (Requires 2)
Category Hunter
Race IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Night elf
Class Hunter Hunter
Experience 85
Reputation +50 Darnassus


Defeat Githyiss the Vile in Shadowthread Cave and recover the lost rune. Learn the rune, then report back to Ayanna Everstride in Shadowglen.


A hunter draws strength from their connection and respect for all creatures, not just their pets. You will hunt and slay many beasts in service to the Alliance, but even in battle you must respect your foe.

My previous apprentice used a mystical rune to augment her skills, but foolishly attempted to practice on the largest of the spiders in the cave to the north, a creature we have named Githyiss the Vile. Her disrespect led to her demise.

Slay Githyiss - but do not underestimate its strength.


You will receive:


When you have slain Githyiss, recover the rune and learn its magic.


Well done, <name>. Applying the rune to your equipment will grant you powerful new abilities.

There are many such runes throughout Azeroth. Seek them out, as they will help along your journey.

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