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GitHub Octocat.png  Townlong-Yak BAD.png  ProfIcons engineering.png  BTNTemp.png C_MountJournal.GetMountAllCreatureDisplayInfoByID TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.pngDragonflight-Icon-Inline.pngCata-Logo-Small.pngWoW Icon update.png + 7.2.0
GitHub Octocat.png  Townlong-Yak BAD.png  ProfIcons engineering.png  BTNTemp.png C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountAllCreatureDisplayInfo TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.pngDragonflight-Icon-Inline.pngCata-Logo-Small.pngWoW Icon update.png + 7.2.0

Returns the display IDs for a mount.

allDisplayInfo = C_MountJournal.GetMountAllCreatureDisplayInfoByID(mountID)
               = C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountAllCreatureDisplayInfo(mountIndex)



number : MountID


number - the index of the displayed mount, i.e. mount in list that matches current search query and filters, in the range of 1 to C_MountJournal.GetNumDisplayedMounts


structure - MountCreatureDisplayInfo[]
Field Type Description
creatureDisplayID number CreatureDisplayID
isVisible boolean


Note: This list is up to date as of patch 8.1.5 (29737) Mar 14 2019
ID Name DisplayIDs
17 Felsteed 2346, 51651
83 Dreadsteed 14554, 51652
422 Vicious War Steed 38668, 91643
435 Mountain Horse 39096, 91641
436 Swift Mountain Horse 39095, 91642
860 Archmage's Prismatic Disc 73770, 73768, 73769
861 High Priest's Lightsworn Seeker 73774, 73775, 73773
866 Deathlord's Vilebrood Vanquisher 73785, 75313, 75314
867 Battlelord's Bloodthirsty War Wyrm 73778, 75994, 75995
888 Farseer's Raging Tempest 76024, 74144, 76025
925 Onyx War Hyena 75322, 91593
926 Alabaster Hyena 75323, 91592
928 Dune Scavenger 75324, 91591
996 Seabraid Stallion 80357, 91599
997 Gilded Ravasaur 80358, 91594
1010 Admiralty Stallion 82148, 91600
1011 Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel 81772, 84570, 84571, 84570, 81772
1015 Dapple Gray 81693, 91601
1016 Smoky Charger 82161, 91602
1018 Terrified Pack Mule 81694, 91603
1019 Goldenmane 81690, 91604
1038 Zandalari Direhorn 83525, 91595
1173 Broken Highland Mustang 87773, 91606
1174 Highland Mustang 87774, 91607
1182 Lil' Donkey 85581, 91608
1198 Kul Tiran Charger 88974, 91640
1220 Bruce 90419, 90420
1221 Hogrus, Swine of Good Fortune 90398, 91597
1222 Vulpine Familiar 90397, 91598
1225 Crusader's Direhorn 90501, 91596
1245 Bloodflank Charger 91388, 91609

Patch changes

Legion Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Added.