Zoth'rum the Intellect Pillager

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MobZoth'rum the Intellect Pillager
Image of Zoth'rum the Intellect Pillager
Race N'raqi (Aberration)
Level 52 Rare Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black Empire
Location Neferset City, Uldum
Status Killable

Zoth'rum the Intellect Pillager is a n'raqi located at Neferset City in Uldum during N [50] Assault: The Black Empire. The rare elite mob can spawn at [50,  78.6], [50.6, 87.8], or [55.2, 79.2].


  • Spell holy devotion.png Breath of the Void — Inflicts 30 Shadow damage to all enemies in front of the caster.
  • Spell shadow charm.png Hysteria — Increases all casting and attack speeds by 10% while increasing the cost of all abilities by 3%. If the victim reaches 20 applications of Hysteria they will go insane for 4 sec.
  • Ability warlock soulswap.png Sap Soul — The caster saps the souls of their enemies. Victims who have their souls sapped will have the cooldown of their next ability used within 15 sec increased by 10 sec.
    • Ability warlock soulswap.png Sapped Soul — The caster saps the soul of the target. The next ability the victim uses within 15 sec will have its cooldown increased by 10 sec.
  • Sha spell fire bluehellfire.png Shadow Crash — Fires a missile towards an enemy at range. When this missile lands, it deals 30 Shadow damage to all enemies within 3 yards of that location and 30 Shadow damage to enemies within the area every 1 sec for 40 sec.


Objective of

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