Zoom (NPC)

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For the companion pet version of Zoom, see  [Zoom].
Image of Zoom
Race Snail (Critter)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stonedark Grotto, Highmountain
Status Alive

Zoom is a small snail who regularly participates in a snail race in the Stonedark Grotto in Highmountain with Helix for Brains, Glip Gloop Haberdasher and Various and Sundry. Despite being cheered on by Boomboom Brullingsworth, Zoom will always lose the race due to being much smaller and slower than the other racers — that is, unless the player chooses to intervene by blocking the other snails' path by simply standing in front of them, among other means. Doing so in order to help Zoom win the race will grant the  [Zoom!] achievement and the  [Zoom] companion pet.

Patch changes

External links