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Image of Zelnithop
Race Gromit (Beast)
Level 60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Gromit Hollow, Korthia[27.8, 58.9]
Status Killable
Pet family Toad

Zelnithop is a rare gromit located in the back of Gromit Hollow of the Windswept Aerie in Korthia. It drops ~11x  [Relic Fragment], 5 uncommon-quality anima items (25 anima), and rarely the  [Velvet Gromit Handwraps], and  [Korthian Specimen].


  • Ability demonhunter doublejump.png Bouncing Frenzy — Quickly bounces around, inflicting Physical damage to enemies the caster lands upon.
  • Spell druid bloodythrash.png Gnashing Teeth — Inflicts Physical damage to enemies within 6 yds, causing them to bleed for additional Physical damage every 3 sec for 12 sec.

Objective of

Tracking quest

To check whether Zelnithop has been defeated today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64442))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Zelnithop has been defeated today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links