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Gender Male
Race Ethereal (Uncategorized)
Level 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vision of Orgrimmar; Vision of Stormwind

Zarhaal is an ethereal located in the Vision of Orgrimmar and the Vision of Stormwind. He is seeking the Odd Crystals found within the Horrific Visions. After dealing with the adventurer, he will leave behind a Reclaimed Spoils Stash containing a moderate ammount of [Corrupted Mementos].



Greetings, hero. I come to you with a proposition.

Your efforts within these visions have captured our attention. We too seek to extract power from the mind of N'Zoth. Crystals like this one you see before you are of particular interest to us.

Bring me as many as you can find. Once I have them, I will take my leave... after I reward you for your services, of course.

Gossip I found <one/two> crystals. Take them and be on your way.

Yes, these will serve our purposes nicely. This has been a... lucrative transaction.

Gossip I'm still looking for more crystals.

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