Zargox the Reborn

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MobZargox the Reborn
Image of Zargox the Reborn
Race Boneguard (Undead)
Level 61 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ossein Foundry, Maldraxxus[28.8, 51.4]
Status Killable

Zargox the Reborn is a boneguard located at the Ossein Foundry in Maldraxxus. It can be summoned by using an  [Ani-Matter Orb] near the Bone Mass atop a platform on the southern end of the foundry.


  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer purple.png Ani-Matter Infusion — This soldier has been reanimated by the Ani-Matter Orb.
  • Spell shadow unholystrength.png Bone Armor — Encases the caster in bone armor, absorbing X damage for 1 min.
  • Inv misc wailingbone.png Bone Spikes — The caster periodically summons spikes of bone, stunning enemies.
  • Ability butcher whirl.png Bonestorm — Whirl a storm of bones around the caster, inflicting Physical damage to enemies.
  • Inv 7af deathknight frostmournefragment.png Frost Strike — Reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% for 12 sec. Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.


Objective of


Fools, that was not enough anima to fully restore me. I must have yours!

Patch changes

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