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Zan-Tien Scout

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MobZan-Tien Scout
No image available
Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Zan-Tien clan
Occupation Scout
Location Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Killable

Zan-Tien Scouts are mogu located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


  • Spell deathknight festering strike.png Shocking Strike — Strikes an enemy, inflicting 5 Nature damage. This strike will chain its damage to one other target within five yards. Victims are afflicted with Capacitance. Increases the victim's capacitance level. If the victim is struck with a tenth application of Capacitance they unleash an Electrostatic Burst, stunning the victim for 4 sec. and inflicting 20 Nature damage to allies within 8 yards.


Objective of


  • But... you are... nothing...
  • Feel the might of the storm!
  • My clan... will... avenge me...
  • Our armies will trample you!
  • The... Zan-Tien... are endless...
  • We were made for war!
  • We... still... march...
  • Weakling.

Patch changes

External links