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Image of Zaki
Race Soulshape (Humanoid)
Level 50 - 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Heart of the Forest, Ardenweald

Zaki is a soulshape located in the Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald.



Hello there!
Sorry, I don't have time to yak! These mushrooms won't tend to themselves.
<He chuckles.>

Gossip What are you doing?

Well, I'm trying to tend to these mushrooms for Marasmius. This drought has really hit his poor roots hard.

Gossip Do you know a lot about the fae rings?

Oh, tons! I've been tending Marasmius for a long time. I even know about some of the old routes that even he's forgotten about!
Something tells me that you know about those hidden spots as well. If you ever want to get back to one I can help you get there, if you're interested.

Buy Do you have something for sale?


Once Fun with Fungi has been researched, and after players visit the locations that Marasmius finds on the daily quests (Into the Unknown and N [60 Daily] Go Beyond!), Zaki will sell items that lets players travel directly to those locations, regardless of the current daily quest:

Tier Item Cost Location
2  [Root Cellar VIP Pass] 5g Root Cellar
 [Nibbled Portalbello] 5g Underweald (Gorm Matriarch)
 [Large Portalbello] 5g Underweald (Mushroom cave)
 [Healthy Portalbello] 5g Underweald (Wildseed cave)
3  [Withered Portalbello] 5g Arkelios' Solace
 [Glowing Portalbello] 5g Forgotten Retreat
 [Damp Portalbello] 5g Faraway Pools
 [Slender Portalbello] 5g Distant Grotto

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