Writing the Future

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NeutralWriting the Future
Start Sayge
End Sayge
Level 1-70
Category Darkmoon Faire
Reputation +250 Darkmoon Faire
Rewards  [Darkmoon Game Token],
[Darkmoon Prize Ticket] x4
Darkmoon Faire
The subject of this article or section is part of Darkmoon Faire, an ongoing event that lasts one week. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next month.

Writing the Future is a monthly quest that can be completed during Darkmoon Faire. You must have 75 inscription skill to complete.


Use the  [Bundle of Exotic Herbs] to make  [Prophetic Ink] and then combine the ink with  [Light Parchment] to create Sayge's Fortunes.


As the popularity of the Darkmoon Faire grows, more and more people seek me out to peer into their futures.

Most times, they ask for knowledge best left hidden in the mists of time, but it is not my place to give such advice.

My stock of written fortunes is running low and you look to have a steady hand. Take these herbs, make ink from them, and pen a few fortunes for me. You can get the parchment you'll need from any trade goods vendor in Elwynn Forest or Mulgore.


You will receive:
Inv misc token darkmoon 01.png 1x [Darkmoon Game Token] Inv misc ticket darkmoon 01.png 4x [Darkmoon Prize Ticket]


Have you penned any of those fortunes?


These look just like mine. You've quite an eye for detail. Thank you for all your help, <name>.



The closest NPCs to sell  [Light Parchment] are Alliance Tharynn Bouden in Elwynn Forest or Horde Shadi Mistrunner in Thunder Bluff.

Total shopping list:
Inv inscription papyrus.png 5x [Light Parchment]

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