Wolves Across the Border (Wrath Classic)

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For the Classic quest, see A [2] Wolves Across the Border.
AllianceWolves Across the Border
Start Eagan Peltskinner
End Eagan Peltskinner
Level 2 (Requires 1)
Category Northshire Valley
Experience 170
Reputation Stormwind +250
Rewards  [Soft Fur-Lined Shoes] or  [Wolfskin Bracers]
Previous A [2] Eagan Peltskinner


Bring 8 Diseased Wolf Pelts to Eagan Peltskinner outside Northshire Abbey.


Whatever is affecting these wolves isn't going away. Each day that passes brings forth more sick wolves. It pains me to ask anyone to kill nature's beasts, but we must destroy the diseased young wolves before this little outbreak turns into an epidemic.

Kill diseased young wolves in the valley and bring me their diseased wolf pelts as proof of your deed.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv boots 09.png [Soft Fur-Lined Shoes] Inv bracer 05.png [Wolfskin Bracers]

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Hey <name>. How goes the hunt for diseased young wolves?


'Twas a grim task, friend, but you held up your part of the bargain.

I have some things here you might want - take your pick!


It is possible to start this quest without taking the quest A [2] Eagan Peltskinner first. However, doing so will stop the quest Eagan Peltskinner from being offered.


  1. A [2] Eagan Peltskinner
  2. WoW Icon update.png A [2] Wolves Across the Border or Wrath-Logo-Small.png A [2] Wolves Across the Border

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): The quest was changed. It asks you to collect 8  [Diseased Wolf Pelt], and Eagan's quest dialog expresses a more friendly attitude towards the wolves.

External links