Wing-Guard Kuuan

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MobWing-Guard Kuuan
Image of Wing-Guard Kuuan
Race Arakkoa (Humanoid)
Level 20-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Adherents of Rukhmar
Location Veil Shadar, Talador [80.3, 64.1]
Status Killable

Wing-Guard Kuuan is a arakkoa wing-guard that serves the Adherents of Rukhmar at Veil Shadar in Talador. Kura the Blind was once a comrade of his, but when Kura abandoned his post, Kuuan informed their superior and had him cast down.[1] Now he is participating in a purge of Veil Shadar's Arakkoa Outcasts for morale and fun.[2]

Objective of

  • Wing-Guard Kuuan must be slain so that N [20-40] Kura's Vengeance may be achieved.


  • Piercing Rush - The caster winds up for a big strike against their current target, inflicting massive Physical damage to anyone caught in the path of the strike.
  • Whirl - The caster whirls in place, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
  • Whirling Winds - The caster hurls a rapidly spinning chakram at the location of a nearby enemy. The chakram creates a vortex that will pull nearby enemies in and inflict damage to those enemies who come in contact with it.

Patch changes



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