Wildmane Cleansing (Classic)

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For the retail version of this quest, see H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [1-30] Wildmane Cleansing.
HordeWildmane Cleansing
Start Mull Thunderhorn
End Mull Thunderhorn
Level 10 (Requires 4)
Category Mulgore
Race IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif Tauren
Experience 1,050
Reputation +350 Thunder Bluff
Rewards  [Ceremonial Tomahawk] or  [Dreamwatcher Staff]
Previous H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Wildmane Totem


Use the Wildmane Cleansing Totem at the Wildmane Water Well, then return to Mull Thunderhorn.


Your cleansing of the Winterhoof and Thunderhorn wells is spoken among the spirits, young <name>. The Wildmane Totem is made, and your last task lies ahead.

The Wildmane Water Well lies north of Thunder Bluff. Perform the ritual! Heal the land of the goblins' poisons! Let clean water flow once again!


You will be able to choose choose one of the following rewards:
Inv throwingaxe 03.png [Ceremonial Tomahawk] Inv staff 22.png [Dreamwatcher Staff]


The last water well remains fetid and poisonous, <name>.  You must not delay!


You've done it.  You have cleaned the wells, and healed our land.  Bloodhoof village is grateful, <name>.

May the wind whisper your deeds for a hundred seasons, and may the waters of Mulgore remain clean forever.


  1. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [5] Poison Water
  2. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [6] Winterhoof Cleansing
  3. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [7] Thunderhorn Totem
  4. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [8] Thunderhorn Cleansing
  5. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Wildmane Totem
  6. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Wildmane Cleansing

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