Wild Wyvern Wrangling

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NeutralWild Wyvern Wrangling
Start Jixo Madrocket
End Jixo Madrocket
Level 25 (Requires 1)
Category Hunter
Class Hunter Hunter
Next N Hunter [25] Wrangling a Wild Wyvern


Bring a Hypnotic Crystal and a Gnarled Wand of Wild Magic to Jixo Madrocket in the Stonetalon Mountains.


You seen those Pridewing Wyverns flying around? I bet folks would pay good money to see me do a flip on one of those things!

They're an ornery bunch, though. Can't get one tame enough to ride; to say nothing of high-flying stunts.

I've heard you can make a special wand to soothe 'em. Could probably even do it myself. All I'd need is a Hypnotic Crystal, and a Gnarled Wand of Wild Magic.

Now, I'm not entirely sure about where to get these, but we can talk details later.


You will receive:

  • 18s


Any luck with the supplies?


Nice work! Now it's time for a little field test.


On completion:

Jixo Madrocket says: Alright. Just gotta put it all together and...
Jixo Madrocket says: Voila! Let's go test this puppy out!

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