What the Cold Wind Brings...

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HordeWhat the Cold Wind Brings...
Start  [Ith'rix's Hardened Carapace]
End High Overlord Saurfang
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 20100
Reputation +250 Warsong Offensive
Rewards Choose one of:
 [Sweltering Leggings]
 [Marshwalker Waistguard]
 [Plainhunter's Epaulettes]
 [Battle Leader's Breastplate]
2g 40s


Take Ith'rix's Hardened Carapace to High Overlord Saurfang at Warsong Hold.


You hold the carapace fragment of Ith'rix the Harvester and realize that this is only the beginning. Even now you sense that victory is fleeting. Surely the Lich King has a thousand more beasts like Ith'rix, waiting to be unleashed upon the Horde.

Take your trophy and present it to High Overlord Saurfang, inside Warsong Hold. He should be notified of your victory over a powerful Scourge agent.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants cloth 01.png [Sweltering Leggings] Inv belt 03.png [Marshwalker Waistguard]
Inv shoulder 76.png [Plainhunter's Epaulettes] Inv chest plate03.png [Battle Leader's Breastplate]

You will also receive:


What have you got there?


<Saurfang grins.>

It looks familiar... The Might of Kalimdor trampled a thousand bugs like this one in the desert of Silithus.

This is a different place - a different environment - but the result will be the same.

<Saurfang looks you over.>

You will bring pride and honor to the Horde in Northrend, <name>.

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