What Valthrux Once Was

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NeutralWhat Valthrux Once Was
Start To'tik
End To'tik
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 7,850
Reputation +100 Iskaara Tuskarr
+100 Kirin Tor
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Previous N [65-68] What the Guardian Beholds
Next N [65-68] No One May Wield It


Find clues regarding what the artifact Valthrux really is.


<To'tik whispers to you.>

I don't like this. Mysterious artifacts whispering promises of greatness does not sound good.

But we can't just walk away... otherwise the Sundered Flame will get their hands on it. Whatever "it" is...

I'm familiar with ruins like this. The blue dragons often left behind notes on their work. Keep your eyes open, and you may find some around.

We can use whatever evidence you find to warn Alia and Kattigat.


You will receive:


Did you find anything useful in the ruins?


Let's see what you've found...


Upon accept
Alia Sunsoar says: What are you two whispering about?
To'tik says: How to deal with ice spiders if they come up again. Figured they might be an issue.
Alia Sunsoar says: We need to work together on this. This artifact could be dangerous if it falls into the Sundered Flame's hands.
Kattigat says: No need to worry! To'tik's been a brave "worrier" ever since we were kids.

Discarded Journal is found next to Menow at [69.53, 44.13]. Sundered Flame Journal is inside a building at [70.01, 46.16]. While there, head upstairs to find Scratched Tablet at [70.24, 46.17]. Crumbling Tablet is found inside a tower at [70.19, 43.31].


  1. N [65-68] Artifacts in the Wrong Hands
  2. N [65-68] The Ailing Apprentice, N [65-68] The Fending Flames, N [65-68] Kill it with Fire
  3. N [65-68] Back into the Action
  4. N [65-68] What the Guardian Beholds
  5. N [65-68] Whispered Fragments & N [65-68] What Valthrux Once Was
  6. N [65-68] No One May Wield It
  7. N [65-68] Good Intentions

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