Webmistress Shinaris

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MobWebmistress Shinaris
Image of Webmistress Shinaris
Gender Female
Race Fal'dorei (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shattered Locus, Suramar
Status Killable

Webmistress Shinaris is a fal'dorei located at the Shattered Locus in Suramar. She caught Verstok Darkbough into her web but was killed by the druid adventurer.


  • Inv pet spiderdemon.png Barbed Lunge — Sends a wave of force in front of the warrior, causing damage knocking away enemy targets within 0 yards.
  • Inv misc web 01.png Venom-Laced Web — Encases an enemy in venomous webs, inflicting Nature damage every 5 sec and rooting them for 4 sec.

Objective of


Main article: The Fangs of Ashamane#Notes

Patch changes

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